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Al-Anon Family Groups, which includes Alateen, was Founded in 1951 as a community resource providing support to those affected by someone else's drinking. Today, there are over 26,000 Al-Anon and Alateen groups meeting in 115 countries. Our meetings are anonymous and confidential and there are no dues or fees for membership.

  • For meeting information call (404) 687-0467 or click here to access a list of meetings throughout Georgia. 

  • For additional professional resources, please visit the website of the Al-Anon World Service Office.

  • Alateen is for young people whose lives have been been affected by someone else's drinking. A list of Alateen meetings is accessible here.

  • For worldwide meeting information, call 1-888-4 AL-ANON (1-888-425-2666), Monday - Friday from 8am to 6pm, ET (except holidays).



                                                     Information for Professionals Fact Sheet


Alanon/Alateen groups do not:

  • Give advice

  • Indulge in gossip or criticism

  • Discuss members' religious beliefs, or lack of them

  • Endorse or oppose any cause, treatment, or therapy


  • Is for families and friends of alcoholics

  • Is a separate fellowship from Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

  • Is based on the twelve steps and traditions, adapted from AA

Al-Anon/Alateen members are helped when they:

  • Attend meetings on a regular basis

  • Make telephone contact with other members

  • Read Al-Anon/Alateen literature

  • Have a sponsor

  • Apply the twelve steps to their lives

  • Become involved in Al-Anon service work

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