M.A.I.S Online Board and ISR Meetings
MAIS functions as an Information Service (IS) and a Literature Distribution Center (LDC) for Al-Anon and Alateen groups in Metro Atlanta. Each group sends one voting representative to the MAIS meeting. Each district sends one voting representative to the MAIS Board meeting. MAIS meetings with group MAIS representatives are the second Wednesday of odd-numbered months at 7:00PM. MAIS Board meetings are held on the second Wednesday of even-numbered months at 7:00PM
Please click on the "Sign-Up"button below, if you would like to be on the MAIS Metro-Atlanta Al-Anon/Alateen information register for upcoming MAIS Board Meetings, MAIS ISR Committee Meetings, CenterPoint, New WSO Literature Titles and MAIS Service Opportunities.
Current Service Opportunities
(Click here to read a description of each of the service positions).
MAIS Anniversary Chair (2023)